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How to Properly Care for Your Generator and When to Call in a Professional for Generator Repair
A generator is a piece of equipment that can be crucial to your survival in many situations. It’s important to know how to properly care for your generator and when to call in a professional for repairs.

Routine maintenance can help prevent issues from becoming bigger and more expensive repairs down the road. It can also keep your generator running efficiently and effectively for longer.
Generators are a lifesaver when it comes to power outages, but they can also be a safety hazard if they are not working properly. If your generator is in need of repair, you need to have it fixed as soon as possible.
A common problem that homeowners often experience with their generators is damaged wiring. This can range from minor issues such as frayed wires to more serious problems like overheating. Regardless of the extent of the damage, it is best to have your home’s electrical system inspected by a licensed electrician to ensure that there are no underlying issues with the circuits.
Another problem that can be caused by damaged wiring is a power surge. This can happen when you use a device that draws more power than the breaker is rated for or if you use multiple “heavy load” devices at the same time.
When this happens, the breaker will automatically shut off the electricity. This is why it is important to only use the amount of electricity that your generator can handle and to make sure you are not using any other equipment at the same time.
During normal usage, your generator will be exposed to a lot of heat and other harsh conditions. This can cause issues with the motors, circuit boards, and transfer coils.
It is always a good idea to have your generator inspected regularly, especially by an experienced professional. This will allow you to identify small issues before they become larger and more problematic.
You should also inspect the exterior of your generator from time to time and pay attention to anything that seems to be deteriorating or damaged. This could include frayed wires, corrosion, or even puddles of liquid around the generator.
Finally, it is a good idea to check your generator’s battery every few years. This is because batteries need to be replaced after a certain period of time in order to maintain their optimal performance.
Keeping your generator in good condition can protect you from many dangers, including fuel leaks and blown switches. When this occurs, it is important to call a professional for repairs as soon as possible so that you can avoid losing your property or your livelihood because of a malfunctioning generator.
Fuel is the most important part of your generator’s operation and is the source of the majority of generator failures. Keeping the fuel fresh and free of sediment helps prevent problems.
Inspect the tank regularly and add fuel if needed. Keep the tank clean by draining it and refilling it with fresh fuel before you use it again, or hire a professional to do this for you.
The fuel tank should also be checked for leaks, cracks, and signs of deterioration or aging. If any of these are present, it is best to replace the tank and its hoses.
A fuel pump is another critical component of a generator. It transfers fuel from the tank to the engine, and it can be contaminated with dirt, rust, and debris. It should be replaced with a new unit if the old one has been soiled or damaged, as well as a new fuel filter and a sock for the inlet strainer.
Many generators have a high-fuel-level alarm that will trigger when the fuel level is above the set point. This will cause the unit to shut down if it can’t start. The alarm will clear itself when the fuel levels drop below the set point, but if it doesn’t, you should call for help to ensure that the system is working properly.
Air can clog the injectors of your fuel system and make it difficult to start the engine. This is a common problem with generators that are not used on a regular basis. This can be caused by a faulty fuel line, air in the fuel pump, or check valves that are connected to the cylinder head and injectors.
It is important to keep the air from affecting your generator’s performance, so it is always a good idea to run it occasionally during weekly inspections. Running the generator for a few minutes will allow the block heater to flash off some of the air that is inside the injector solenoid, so it will be less likely to cause a fuel system failure.
The generator belt is a vital part of your generator’s operation, helping to power the electrical system. It can become weak or break with age, so it’s important to check its condition before you need to repair it.
If you’re not sure if the belt is in good condition, a visual inspection should help determine whether it needs to be replaced or repaired. This includes examining the belt for breaks or cracks and checking its tension to ensure that it’s properly tightened.
Another indication that a belt is in need of replacement is if it makes an unusual noise during use. Generally, this type of noise is caused by slippage between the pulley and the belt.
When the drive belt is slipping, it can cause vibrations in the engine or even an overheated motor. It’s also possible for the belt to crack, which can lead to serious damage to your engine.
This is a sign that your belt is in need of replacement and should be checked out immediately. A weakened belt can also cause a squealing noise.
Depending on your vehicle, this type of sound can be heard whenever the car is in motion or while it’s stopped. It can be annoying, but it’s a quick and easy way to know that your belt is in need of replacement.
A weakened belt may also make a shrill screech that’s especially noticeable in the winter. This is an indication that the quality of the material used to manufacture the belt is poor.
If you’re concerned about your belt, a professional can replace it for you without causing further damage to the motor or the electric system. They’ll also make sure that the new belt is properly installed and tensioned to ensure a longer lifespan for your generator.
Once you have the new belt, it’s a good idea to inspect it regularly for signs of wear. This can include a crack, break, or sagging that’s more than 1.5 centimeters.
The generator belt also plays a role in the function of your automatic transfer switch. If it trips, the automatic transfer switch will stop working until you manually reset it. This can be dangerous if you’re not familiar with the functions of an ATS, so it’s best to let a professional do it for you.
Engine failure is a serious concern for any generator. Whether you have a diesel-powered model or a gasoline-powered unit, a problem with your engine can lead to the catastrophic failure of your entire system.
The most common cause of generator engine failure is a battery issue. When the batteries on your generator get old, they lose their charge and become corroded or covered with sulfation. This can prevent the engine from starting when you need it to.
Another issue that can cause your engine to fail is a lack of oil. Most newer generators have an “oil alert” that lets you know when it is time for a new top-up. Using the wrong type of oil or forgetting to fill up can lead to serious damage to your engine, so it’s important that you keep your generator topped up with the right kind of oil at all times.
Oftentimes, it’s the clumsy owner who causes this problem to arise. Disregarding the signal can mean that your engine will have to work harder than it should to start up, which can eventually break down the engine and cause it to malfunction.
A clogged fuel filter is also a common cause of generator engine failure. It traps the sediment that collects in the tank and clogs your generator’s engine.
You should never use stale gas or have your generator run on stale fuel. If you haven’t used your generator in a while, it is a good idea to drain the fuel tank and add fresh gas to the carburetor before starting it up again.
The engine block on a generator is an intricate piece of machinery that needs to be maintained regularly to ensure that it performs well. Performing regular maintenance will help your generator last longer, perform at its best, and keep you from having to make expensive repairs down the line.